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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 1 at Copenhagen ~ on the way for lunch at Nyhavn Harbour, Nyhavn 17 Bar & Cafe

From where I left off, which is at the Royal Palace, we continued our walk around Copenhagen, heading to Nyhavn Harbour. As it was almost 2pm already, the stomach has started making some noise so we decided to have lunch there too. The chosen place was Nyhavn 17, Bar & Cafe which is a shop in bright yellow color and a huge signage. I managed to find their menu at their website here,%20Juni%202011%20Dag%20skilt.pdf

Well, below are the pictures as I walk through them ya. Enjoy

Along the street you will see lots of different buildings, some really old but some a mix of modern design, mainly glass type.

 Statues seem to be a common item here in Copenhagen

 Bicycle lane, painted in bright blue on the street

 Danish wares

 Heheh, I think this can be found locally too
 Nyhavn Harbour, finally after 10 minutes walk
 It was really cloudy thats why the grey sky
 I think I have seen this place in countless postcards before and now I know where it is :)
 John posing for a photo
 More pictures of the harbour

 Thats me, conclusion, not easy to use my SLR without face detection :p
 At Nyhavn 17 Bar & Cafe, this kerosene lamp is used to warm the guests seated outside along the harbour, which is what we did :)
 The cover of their menu
 Many of the patrons are foreigners
 Tommy & Chun Har
 Heering 15 next door. This whole harbour is lined with bars and cafes
 Khairruz all wrapped up in the provided blanket.
 The bright yellow building of Nyhavn 17
 Many of the bars & cafes
 My drink, Somersby Apple Cider, its like sparkling apple juice which I really enjoyed

 Me posing with my drink, hehhee, it was really chilli especially when the ocean breeze blew in
 This is the Shooting Star, DKK115.
 Not too bad as you get caviar too
 This is my lunch, Nyhavn Fish Trio ~ DKK115. In this platter, I get 3 main items, Herring of the day (marinated raw herring), Smoked salmon, and Prawns with Danish Caviar. First time I had caviar and it tastes slightly salty and crunchy. Not bad, and I like it. No wonder its so expensive.
 This is the Chicken Sandwich ~ DKK120. Its huge for a sandwich, comes with a large bowl of fries and also a big chunk of grilled chicken breast. Very filling if you can even finish it all
 Fish Cakes ~ DKK106. This is 3 pieces of fried fish cakes and comes with a salad. Now compared to the sandwich above, this one is really small.
 This is the Skagen Toast ~ DKK102. I hope I got it right as I can't remember correctly on this one.
 Closeup of my set. This is the marinated herring
 The smoked salmon

 The bread. I think its Rye bread and very heavy and filling
 More of Nyhavn Harbour. The clouds are gone and out comes the sun... yippee

 You can take boat tours too
 Another picture of me
 The 3 guys from Penang :)

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