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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Flavors of Malaysia at Eastin Hotel Penang ~ August 2013 Promotion

Right after Hari Raya and their Ramadan themed buffet, Eastin Hotel Penang is surely not resting as they have now prepared the Flavors of Malaysia theme for their August promotion at the Swez Brasserie! This series of buffet strives to highlight some of the culinary delights that is somehow so deeply rooted in us that is almost like comfort food for the soul. The buffet encompasses some good variety of favors and it covers the food from appetizers, main courses and even Malaysian styled desserts.
Thus, one will find Penang Famous Pasembur, Kerabu Mee Hoon and even Sup Ekor for appetizers, followed by Ayam Percik, Kambing Masala, Rendang Tok Kelantan, Nasi Hujan Panas and Johor Laksa for mains, and finally there is the delectable Bubur Cha Cha and Ais Kacang for desserts!
Do catch this great chance to sample some of Malaysia's culinary delights all at one place for the month of August. Its also priced reasonably from RM48++ for adults and half price for children. 

Hmm, some spoon samples?
Checking out the desserts first

I saw these clams, which looks yummy
And here comes the highlight of the month. This is the Laksa Johor
Kerabu Mee Hoon
Kambing Masala
Rendang Tok Kelantan. Beef lovers will rejoice
The many choices for the Pasembur
Whoops I jumped queue and went for the Bubur Cha Cha
An overview
Another view of the Laksa Johor
This is another must try, Nasi Hujan Panas
And their famous Sup Ekor
Condiments? More like ingredients ya

The Ice Kacang looks menacing
Just look at all those dishes

The chefs! Great work again

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