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Sunday, February 5, 2012

David Brown Restaurant, Penang Hill

On a bright sunny Sunday, I decided to head on up to Penang Hill! Little did I expect to find this gem of a place. Even though I'm having tired feet right now due to all the walking, but the David Brown Restaurant really gave me something to smile about. Right after coming out from the funicular train station, on the left is David Brown Restaurant, located right at the top of Strawberry Hill. Not sure why they call it this as there sure weren't any strawberries as far as I can see.
When I first saw it, I was like wow! This is a colonial mansion that has a pristine garden and due to that, you can actually enjoy your breakfast, lunch or dinner in the garden under the shade of the trees! Thats exactly what I did. Was told that the scones here are one of the best and thats what I decided to have, a Devonshire Cream Tea set (RM24.00 ++) which comes with a pot of tea, 2 scones and their very own strawberry jam, cream and butter. The weather was perfect, clear blue skies, cooling breeze and its just an excellent way to spend a day up in Penang Hill. The place is perfect for those looking to host a function, a garden wedding or just spend some quality time with the family. I for one will surely be back again!
They are open daily and serve breakfast till dinner. No stops in between so you can come anytime of the day. The last call would be about 9.00pm as the last train leaves at 10.00pm.

The Devonshire Cream Tea set!
David Brown Restaurant with their lovely garden!

 A pot of very nice flower at the Sky Terrace
 The Sky Terrace was just opened and features a bar and some light refreshments like cakes
 Lovely chair to chill
 The interior of David Brown Restaurant
 This is the tea with milk separate

 After mixing in some milk and sugar
 The fresh cream, homemade strawberry jam and some butter to go with the scones
 The whole set
 The 2 scones.
 The scones were served warm, and it really was very light and flavorful. Its not very big but after having 2 pieces of it, it did feel filling. The jam was fresh and you can surely taste lots of strawberries in it. Since this place if operated by the same folks who runs Smoke House in Cameron Highlands, I wonder if they got their strawberries there? But I do know that their chef is from Smoke House and also got to know that they serve some very good roast!
 Just relaxing under the shade, having a cup of tea and scones! Wish I can do this daily
Flags waving with the breeze
Even the restroom looks nice
The seating at the patio area
The lily pond

A really classic wooden door with a rocky path 

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